Wine making internship in Germany.
Traverse City, Michigan.
Marine biologist or anything dealing with saving the planet 🙂
Run and/or read.
Barack Obama. Just because he was the best president I have experienced in my lifetime, and he is pretty cool.
It’s not that rainy 😉
Working with people! I get to know my clients so well during our time together, and it’s so awesome to build these relationships and community.
I’m not a salesperson! I’m a trusted real estate advisor, a friend, a sounding board, a coach and sometimes a counselor:)
Managing traffic!
Say yes to every invite: you never know who you might meet:)
Consistently growing my business.
There’s so many! But currently, I guess I would say White Lotus.
Smith Tower.
I was showing a house with a client and we walked into the bedroom to find the seller taking a nap! It was very awkward! Apparently, he just forgot what time we were coming.
I jumped out of a plane despite being scared of heights.
Amalfi Coast and Paris, France.
Show up everyday and do the work!
HomeSpotter! I use it all the time!
I love to follow artists because they inspire me to be creative. I also love to follow Chelsea Peitz who gives great advice on what to post for real estate agents.