What was your most interesting job before going into real estate?
I worked as a life coach helping people discover their passion and calling in life.
Kirkland, Washington.
I wanted to be in the NBA. I had dreams of being a professional basketball player.
When I’m feeling stressed I go back to the basics, and that involves exercise, eating right and meditation/prayer.
I’ve always had a dream to meet Michael Jordan because I admire his passion for the game and his competitive spirit.
Most people don’t realize that one of the most beautiful hikes on the planet is just 30-45 minutes away from the city. It’s called Twin Falls. Check it out.
I love how real estate helps people live into their values and life goals. I get to be a part of that! It’s an honor.
I am Seattle’s first Social Realtor. Every home sale helps a person in need at no additional cost to my clients. Check out my website for more info.
The most difficult aspect of my job is taking time away. That being said, I am learning to set healthy boundaries, and I’m learning that my clients respect me even more for it.
Real estate is a contact sport. When you take the time to be with people, good things happen.
My greatest accomplishment is being a father to my two boys. They are my pride and joy.
I’m always watching Seinfield and reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I also am a big fan of the television show called The Good Place.
Daniels Broiler’s Steak is still my favorite.
I’m a big fan of old buildings in Seattle. UW and Pioneer Square have some of my favorites.
Being greeted by two German Shepherds as I was previewing a home and then noticing they had defecated in the home. That was strange! I felt bad for the dogs, but at the same time I was beginning to understand why this home had been on the market for soooo long!
I am a coffee nerd! I can help educate you on all the good coffee shops in the city!
Phi Phi Island in Thailand. They have the best beaches in the world.
My advice is to find a mentor who will encourage you to build your business by referral.
Ryan Surhan, the.office.alliance, and my wife.