Truth About Agents

Our annual Truth About Agents report examines compensation, training priorities, client profiles, new construction, real estate teams and more.

Real estate professionals weigh in on training, marketing, compensation and more.

This annual survey is a chance to hear from a cross-section of Seattle real estate professionals to find out what’s happening in our industry. Check out what they had to say!

In the rapidly changing Seattle real estate industry, success hinges on mastering the local market. But as brokers focus their attention on providing the greatest insight for their clients, staying tuned in to what’s happening in the industry itself can be an even greater challenge. That’s why we publish Truth About Agents every year.

Take a deeper look at the demographic stats of Seattle agents.

One-fourth of Seattle agents are considering changing brokerages within the next year. Are you among them?

Find out how your clients’ needs compare to what’s reported by other Seattle agents.

Do you work on a team? Are you considering it? Find out how Seattle agents on teams rate the experience.

Seattle agents can face a number of marketing challenges — especially generating enough high-quality leads.

Most managing brokers in Seattle are actively recruiting. What kind of agents are they targeting?

There are several ways that Seattle agents can set themselves apart through additional training. Find out what your peers are choosing.

How do your own earnings compare to other Seattle agents’?