Renters can find affordable luxury rental units for less in certain Seattle-area neighborhoods — more than $100 less than the typical upscale unit in the area, that is.
According to a recent report from RentCafe, the typical upscale unit in the Seattle area has a monthly price tag of $2,698. However, in the 98116 ZIP — in the West Seattle area — upscale units have an average monthly rent of $1,823. That’s a gap of $875 — the largest gap of any ZIP in the country.
The 98126 ZIP, also in the West Seattle area, has an average rent of $1,884 for high-end units, which is $814 cheaper than the citywide average. That’s the second-largest ZIP vs. city rent gap in the country.
Decent gaps of $475 and $424 are also seen in the 98107 (Adams/Ballard) and 98102 (Eastlake/Cascade) ZIPs, which have the third- and eighth-highest luxury gaps in the country, respectively.
There’s also a $330 gap in the 98115 (Bryant) ZIP code, a $310 gap in the 98119 (Queen Anne) ZIP and a $204 gap in the 98103 (Woodland Park/Green Lake) ZIP.